A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For the Mike Watt fanatic in all of us

So for those of you who joined us at Barbes for the last installment of the 33 1/3 Multimedia Reading Series, you'll remember that we had a few technical difficulties and couldn't show all of the cool visual stuff that the Minutemen's Double Nickels on the Dime author Michael Fournier brought to share with us. But never fear- thanks to the glory of the internet, you can experience it now, in the comfort of your own home or office.

In the pre-history department, I think the MC5's attitude, as well as their music, was a precursor to the Minutemen. This clip is from 1970:

This is a recently resurfaced clip -- it was on IRS' "The Cutting Edge" in 1985, eight months before D. boon died in a van accident:

Michael Fournier also read from his new publication Behind The Music with Bullshit Wolf. Here's an brief excerpt for those who missed it:

People ask me that a lot. We chose the name because wolves are such elegant creatures, you know? They’re predators. They’re wild. They roam the forest and don’t take no for an answer. Of all the animals, the wolf scares humans the most. Packs of wolves just slaughter cows, and wolves come into fields and destroy corn and crops like it’s no big deal. I don’t know if you know this, but the price of ethanol has gone up because wolves are destroying all the corn in the Midwest. It’s a fact. Now, wolves are dangerous, but they’re also beautiful. The way they take care of their cubs. The way they take care of human babies. When a little kid is discovered that was raised by wolves, that’s special. That person is a special, special person. They’re thinking the same things that we are, but they’re thinking in a language that only a few humans understand. They’re thinking in wolf. So, while I might think “I’m going to go to the store to buy some smokes,” a child raised by wolves might think “rooooaaaaooooaaaarr.” But I do want to say that even though I’m a smoker, children, whether they were raised by wolves or not, shouldn’t be smoking. It’s a nasty habit. And kids, say no to drugs.

To get the entire work (it's $2ppd), or to find out more about Cabildo Press, email cabildopress@gmail.com

Also finally, here's a link to Michael's Top 2008 Music List on Mobtown Shank. Some good stuff on there.

Thanks for everyone who came out! The next installment of the series is going to be Sunday, March 1st on Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures by Chris Ott. 7pm Barbes FREE


David Kootnikoff said...

d.boon - there's a beaut...:)

allan said...

George: "We got all the time in the world."

Goddamn it. :<(