A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Monday, November 15, 2010

1 Free Flaming Lips Tshirt

The first person to email me with an Oklahoma mailing address will get a copy of Mark Richardson's Zaireeka 33 1/3 and a free Flaming Lips tshirt. We only have one, and it's a medium. It's from the 2009 March of 1,000 Flaming Skeletons event. It's pink, it's got a skull with lots of lightening bolts, and it's rare.

And it's perfect for wearing to the big Zaireeka event at Booksmart on November 28th.

Email me at xxx with your address and Flaming Lips in the subject line.

That was quick. Congratulations to Chris from OKC! One tshirt + book is on its way...

I used to live three blocks away from Wayne Coyne, in a sketchy part of town, too! We love the Lips here. They're Oklahoma's finest cultural export since Frito Chili Pies.

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