"[Bryan Charles] has turned in one of the best pieces of rock journalism in recent memory—a no-bullshit, heartfelt manifesto of fandom."Check out Bryan reading at a pair of dates in Seattle and Portland this coming Sunday and Tuesday.

PORTLAND! Sunday, May 23, 7:30 pm
Reading w/Mike McGonigal (author of the My Bloody Valentine 33 1/3)
Powell's City of Books
1005 W Burnside
SEATTLE! Tuesday, May 25, 7:00 p.m.
University Book Store
4326 University Way NE
Special bonus trivia question: Name a person who appears in both Bryan's book on Pavement and Mike's book on MBV. Leave your answer in the comments. Prize will be a collection of odds and ends laying around on or near my desk.
UPDATE! Larry, who was very quick off the blocks, will be getting the following in a package in the mail: Joe Bonomo's 33 1/3 on AC/DC's Highway to Hell, a yellow 33 1/3 carpenter's pencil, some random stickers, a 1988 Score Al Nipper baseball card, an Operation: Desert Storm trading card (M1 Main Battle Tank), and a few other doodads. Thanks for playing!
Mark Ibold
Damn, Larry, that was fast. Send me an email at jmboling (@t) continuum-books.com with your mailing address and I'll pull a care package together this afternoon.
This is late, but I picked up Bryan Charles's Wowee Zowee yesterday, and read it in three hours. I was floored by the book's two-part move: it wrote the fucking amazing, oh-so-personal but also 90s-everyman biography/love letter to Pavement, and it turned Wowee Zowee into a mystery caper -- one we can only approach solving, never quite pulling it off, considering Pavement's memories and our own are foggy now. When these two strands are brought together in the final chapter, a quotidienly heartwrenching stream-of-consciousness travelogue through Wowee Zowee that I swear could've been my own, I felt like I've gotten to know how Bryan Charles feels, thinks and hears, but like I'd been so beautifully if meaninglessly (in a good way) brought together with everyone else in the fucking world who knows Pavement is the best band ever. Bravo, and thank you so.
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