A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Nation of Millions, and tweets

One of the 33 1/3 books we're most excited about for 2010 is Christopher R. Weingarten's volume on It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back. It'll be available in the spring - early spring.

More on that book nearer the time, but for now you should be aware (if you aren't already) of Chris's "1000TimesYes" project on Twitter - and more specifically, you may be interested in the opportunity to show a little financial love (seriously - you can do it with as little as two dollars) to the related Tweet Box project, which you can learn all about right here, with a quick extract below:

At the end of 2009 Weingarten set out to collaborate on a book version of the Twitter reviews with us here at Article, a music, zine, T-shirt and art group also out of Brooklyn. The resulting book is not really a book at all. It is a physical representation of Twitter. Twitter in the raw. Each of Weingarten's 1,000 tweet reviews from 2009 will be individually typed out on to a single index card and the mass of them will be held together in a wonderful natural oak index card catalog.

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tingting said...
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