A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Odds and ends...

* Douglas Wolk offers up an appreciation of the mighty ukelele (via fellow champion of the uke Ed at the Dizzies). And here's part II. I would like to second the request for a recording of the clarinet and uke version of "Marquee Moon."

* We were talking about the Big Star 33 1/3 in a meeting the other day and that reminded me that I needed to finally get around to watching the Oxford American DVD that came with the "Best of the South" issue. It was excellent, and it contains some lost 8mm footage of the recording of #1 Record set to a demo version of "Thank You Friends" which is pretty sweet. Among other gems, the print issue also has an ode to my onetime employers at the Dickson Street Bookshop in Fayetteville, Arkansas by Katy Henricksen. You'll have to pick up the issue to read/watch, but here's a trailer to whet the appetite:

Oxford American Best of the South DVD #2 from Oxford American on Vimeo.

* And this just keeps cracking me up:


Anonymous said...

The trailer was great (Maud Newton.com had a giveaway on it) and the Ronnie Jakes clip was LOL. Tanks!

Anonymous said...

The video was absolutely hysterical. It cracked me up the first time, so I had to watch it again.

Anonymous said...
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