A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Odds and ends

Sleevage is a blog all about music cover art. And it's endlessly entertaining. Scroll down on the main page and check out the archives. Incidentally, they are also looking for people to write for them.

My favorite quote so far, concerning Patrick Nagel, designer of Duran Duran's Rio cover art:
In a tragic, but morbidly humorous turn, Nagel (who apparently enjoyed his fair share of booze, cigs and fast food and hated exercise) suffered a fatal heart attack after a celebrity ‘aerobathon’. Thankfully he didn’t associate with the type of folks who might prop him up with sunglasses and run around pretending he was still alive, slamming his nuts into poles and pushing him from speedboats.
* * * * *

And fourfour has this to say of Carl Wilson's 33 1/3 on Celine Dion:
"Read this book and prepare to have your expectations blown and mind expanded."

I have this to say about fourfour's "Celine Dion is Amazing" video:
"Watch this video and prepare to have your expectations blown and mind expanded."

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