A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A couple of UK articles

Two pieces from across the ocean, today.

The first is in the magazine "One Week To Live" - part of a whole series they've done on 33 1/3 books. It's an interview with Eliot Wilder, author of our DJ Shadow book. The article itself isn't on the magazine's website, but Eliot has the PDF on his website, and it's well worth a look.

The second is a review, by A. Stevens, of Mike McGonigal's Loveless book, in 3:AM Magazine. You can read the review here. And I haven't listened to my Revolver records in a very long time.


Anonymous said...

David --

Sorry to approach you here, but I've been made aware of some e-mail non-deliveries due to spam blockers and have not as yet received a reply to a follow-up letter I mailed to you on May 1. (The author of the TROUT MASK REPLICA book mentions that you respond to e-mails right away, adding to my concerns.) I know you've been busy (not blogging much) and I'm not pushing for a verdict; I just want to confirm that you received my manuscript (sent on 3/31) and aren't still waiting for it.


Unknown said...

Whatever, "Venice" is a scorcher. When I found out "Since Yesterday" was a cover, though, I was pretty embarrassed. I think I've pulled out Baby's Angry more often than any Swervedriver or Th' Faith Healers records.

Never forget Moose. That river never will run dry.