A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Runnin' in the shadows

Last Saturday a friend of mine had a birthday party / battle of the bands that involved everyone meeting at a bar, getting divided into "bands" consisting of musicians and novices, and being sent off to an apartment or practice space to learn a song from Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours.” We reconvened 4 hours later and performed the album front to back. My band drew “Gold Dust Woman” out of the hat, which was tough because as the last song on the album there was a lot of time (and drinks) between our practice and performance. One of the birthday girl's best friends had to be out of town for the party, but did not fail to impress by mailing in this long distance version of “The Chain.” Not particularly 33 1/3-related, but the production values are very Nine Inch Nails.
-John Mark


Bee Thousand Book said...

Undeniably brilliant--esp. the segue from the anticipated home-spun acoustic version to the goth beauty of the thing itself. I recommend a video 33 1/3 series featuring remakes and attendant visual content for every song on every album "covered" in the series . . .

Anonymous said...

simply geniusness