A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

New 69 Love Songs website...

LD Beghtol has launched a beautiful new website for the 33 1/3 on The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs. It is still under development, so keep checking back. There should be even more on the way soon.

Also, the book is now available from Amazon and other booksellers, even if it had a Dec 11 pub date. Honestly, this is the kind of thing I wish I could give several of my friends for Christmas, but since I work for Continuum the gesture might ring a little hollow. Oh well...


Anonymous said...


Perhaps I'm Internet-retarded, but wheer is the best place to find a list of all the books in the series so far?

John Mark said...

You can go to amazon and search for 33 1/3, which is pretty comprehensive, though you will probably end up with a listing for The Naked Gun 33 1/3 (starring OJ!) in there.

You can also go to this page on our website and choose 33 1/3 on the drop down menu:

John Mark