A blog about Bloomsbury Academic's 33 1/3 series, our other books about music, and the world of sound in general.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

There's a Riot Goin' On, on Amazon.com

Another of the four books that we'll have stock of by the end of next month is Miles Marshall Lewis's, about Sly Stone. If you're interested in pre-ordering the book on Amazon, you can do so here.

I can also highly recommend Miles's first book (if you haven't already read it), published by Akashic in 2004. It's a charming, smart, and fascinating memoir called Scars of the Soul Are Why Kids Wear Bandages When They Don't Have Bruises, and you can buy it here.


Anonymous said...

i'm looking forward to this for sure. i reviewed "riot" over on amazon.com years ago when epic did their reissues, and just today i got a link to your site from a fellow reviewer crazy about sly! great pick. where the hell is sly stone's "behind the music"?!

Anonymous said...

i've been spammed too, in the same manner. I'm pleased though. The book is a definite purchase!